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The Seeds of Synergy

2nd Year Design Studio

Professor Aaron Wright

Site Location: South Pacific Rail Yard- Piggy Back Yard, Los Angeles, CA

Designing for: new yield, protection of intellectual property, safe architecture

The theft of intellectual property has been a major issue with the integration of modern technology in the 20th Century. This design project aims not only to provide a process for legal work and protection, but most importantly focusing on forming design spaces customized to meet the needs of individuals. Within a safe architecture tailored to personal intellectual growth can one create to their fullest potential. “The Seeds of Synergy” provides a complex for innovative minds to go on a retreat to think. This project focuses on nurturing the mind, to create synergy between man, thought, and environment to expose greater ideas. These components are the seeds integrated within this project. Each design component has been put in place to optimize this synergy in hopes for creating greater innovations. But after the creation process these ideas cannot go unprotected which is why a system for security has been put in place for legal protection and licenses. This allows for the patron to return back home with peace of mind as well as greater sense of self capability. 

The Nature Dome is a fully immersive experience into a forest of greenery and plants. This dome interacts with the senses to create a stress-free environment. Brain Plants are grown throughout the entire dome through the green walls and planters. The waterfalls are integrated for a calming white noise also proven to help in design thinking. Back rooms are utilized on the south side of the dome for patrons with preferences of hearing nature but not to be surrounded by its aromas. 

The Viewing Dome is an ascension to silence. Floors are based on noise and activity level. Beginning at the base is for large group interactions as one progresses up the more isolation is available.


The levels are open layouts with moveable partitions to allow for design of the patrons own spaces dependent on needs. 

A large integration in the living center complex is the Farming Dome. Within this space "brain food" is farmed to provide nutrients for the entire center. Each section is for a different plant growth. At the center for the dome is a large tank for the farming of fish which have been proven to be part of an essential diet for optimization of brain function.


Overhanging walkways are provided for gardeners and viewers for accessibility throughout the farm and large enough for relaxation. Sprinklers are attached overhead of the crops and water in radial motion pathways so all plants are prop

Patent 1: Design Incorporation: 

The integration of the geodesic dome is within each design experience. This includes the view, nature, and farm dome. This patent was chosen due to its compressive structural integrity and allowed for ample light to penetrate the interior. Due to its perfect cylindrical shape ample space and building construction is feasible within the interior. Each dome will be composed of different materials but all are founded upon a steel structural frame as designated in the patent. 

Patent 2: Design Incorporation: 

These hanging stairs will be incorporated for vertical movement within the complex. They allow for unobstructed sight through the use of cables and are aesthetically appealing. Rather than spiraling within the patent the design for the complex will modify the stairs to be a straight slope for easier movement between levels. 

Patent 3: Design Incorporation: 

Amazon's patent for drone tunneling will be incorporated within the design but for us of plant integration. The tunnels will be portals for plants to grow through and hang within the structure. These will be accessible through the ceiling panels.  

Patent 4: Design Incorporation: 

Amazon's patent for underwater storage retrieval and drone blimp transport will be incorporated within the complex for storage and trade uses. The river system will be used for patent storage and have a base building for retrieval and storing blimp transport will allow for secure interaction between the complex and clients. The integration of these patents is for security measures of the intellectual property,

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